We Need Your Help! 2023-24 Committee Sign Up

Brothers and Sisters,

The voices of the members on the frontlines need to be heard. We need your thoughts, your observations, and your opinions to adapt and innovate for you. Doing so makes our profession more efficient, leading to safer practices and benefits everyone.

It’s easy as 1-2-3. To make a difference, we need you to step up and sign-up for a Local 36 committee.

Virtually, all the things we enjoy today started at a committee level and came to fruition through the work provided by committee members. For example, did you know the Capitol cab by Seagrave was designed by the Local 36 Apparatus Committee? The Capitol cab is now one of the most purchased cabs by Seagrave, a design for firefighters by firefighters.

If you care about the profession, our local, and the future, we need and want your help!

Sign up for a committee that interests you. Don’t know where your passion lies? The form has a spot for that too and we’ll help find a way to get started.

If you are interested in serving on a Local 36 committee, please visit our Local 36 Information Intake System and choose the Committee form. Please submit the form by February 6th. This link will take you there: https://forms.gle/queCSpTMTG99...

