Line of Duty Death- Brother Robert Heaney
Brothers and Sisters,
It is with profound sadness and a heavy heart that I share the news of the passing of Brother Rob Heaney.
Brother Heaney was a 24-year veteran of our department and held the rank of Lieutenant, assigned to Rescue Squad 2 on the #2 platoon. He also faithfully served the members of Local 36 as our elected treasurer from 2020 to 2024.
The Executive Board of the DC Firefighters Association extends our deepest sympathy to the family of Brother Heaney, passing at the age of 49 in the line of duty on January 22, 2025, from occupational cancer. Arrangements are pending and will be disseminated to the membership upon finalizing. We know his loss is strongly felt by all who had the privilege of working alongside him throughout his career.
Local 36 stands ready to provide support in any way possible as we grieve together as a family on his untimely passing. We are here for all our members who may need assistance navigating this difficult time.
We can best honor Brother Heaney's memory by continuing our service to others in the same spirit of dedication and bravery he exemplified in his service to our City and our members.