David Hoagland

What made you want to get into the union?
My Grandfather was president of his local Carpenter’s Union. The importance of Labor as an advocate for workers was ingrained in me from a very young age. The importance of Local 36 was emphasized to me from my early days on the job and active members of Local 36 encouraged me to get involved with the Union. We are stronger together.
Union Position Responsibilities:
Responsible for day to day operations of the organization as well as advocating for responsible legislation that will benefit the health, safety and well being for the entire membership.
Joseph C. Papariello

What made you want to get into the union?
Walter Webb asked me to do a project gathering the names and dates of all the members who had recieved bronze/silver/gold awards. Shortly after, there were some drastic changes that were impacting the membership that I felt we needed to stand up against and make sure the members voices were heard.
Union Position Responsibilites:
Manage building and association IT needs
Manage association social media
Joe Chisholm

What made you want to get into the union?
I was always interested in being involved with negotiations of our contracts, rights for members and working conditions, and making sure our members are treated and represented fairly.
Union Position Responsibilites:
Member Discipline and other Assigned Duties.
Rick Caruso
Why did you get involved in the local?
After some time of benefitting from the hard work of Local 36, I felt it was my turn to step up and give back to our members and the Local by increasing my involvement. I believe it is owed to those who came before and worked diligently to get our members where they are today. My goal is to continue the hard work of those former members, by continuing to help improve the working conditions, compensation, and benefits for the members of Local 36, both present and future.
Eugene Russell-Roach

What made you want to get into the union?
I've always admired the brotherhood of our Local. Our Local gives its members favorable working conditions and the most vital benefits through collective bargaining. The tradition runs deep and I'm excited to be a part of history in the making.
Union Position Responsibilites:
Keep Records (BOD Minutes , Membership Data base, Shop Steward list)
Maintain the Unions official seal
Maintain Election results
Coordinator for members benefits (Dental, Optical, Pre Paid legal)
Work with IAFF Staff to maintain membership data base
Obituary notices for member
Luis Blanco
Bio and info to come
Union Position Responsibilites:
During meetings the sergeant at arms keeps order
Sets up the venue before the meeting starts and checks that everything is in order before other members arrive