Honor. Duty. Sacrifice.
About Us
Washington, D.C. Fire Fighters Memorial Foundation represents 100 D.C. Fire Fighters who have died in the line of duty between 1856 and 2015. That's 100 lives over 125 years, each has a story of bravery and courage. We want to share their stories, and never forget their ultimate sacrifice.
Washington, D.C. Fire Fighters Memorial Foundation was founded in August of 2017 as a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit registered in the District of Columbia.
Our sole focus is to raise the funds to build the memorial in a centrally located site within the District of Columbia boundaries and to maintain the memorial in perpetuity.

Our Mission
D.C. Fire Fighters Memorial foundation’s mission, to honor Washington, DC Firefighters who have died in the line of duty (LODD) with a memorial that immortalizes their ultimate sacrifice.
The Nation’s Capital is home to more than 160 monuments and memorials that represent our nation’s history, wars, culture, tragic events and many more. This foundation strives to provide a memorial of remembrance, a physical place for both immediate and extended family and future generations not yet realized to visit to remember their DC Fallen Firefighter.
Remembering DC’s Fallen Firefighters is a commitment by all DC Firefighters both active and retired to never forget.
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